Meet Our Team

The Love and Respect team is dedicated to assisting any person seeking recovery through true, authentic Peer Support. We fill gaps in our community's existing systems of support to ensure no one gets left behind, ignored, or underserved.

Lexie headshot

Lexie Wilkins, NCCPSS

Executive Director of Love and Respect

Lexie is a Black man who knows what it’s like to be that person seeking recovery from substance use disorder. During his own struggle with ongoing drug use and while serving one of his prison sentences, Lexie realized that he could turn his life around - he now uses his experiences to help others. He’s been in recovery for over seventeen years and has dedicated his professional life to improving the treatment and care provided to people with substance use disorder and/or mental health diagnoses.

  • Lexie Wilkins is the Executive Director of Love and Respect. Lexie is a Black man who knows what it’s like to be that person seeking recovery from substance use disorder. He’s not shy about sharing his story of how he began using drugs at an early age while growing up in Paterson, NJ. Ongoing drug use and interaction with law enforcement led to incarceration. At some point during one of his prison sentences, Lexie had a paradigm shift and recognized that he could turn his life around—and now uses his own background and experiences to help others. He’s been in recovery for over seventeen years and has dedicated his professional life to improving the treatment and care provided to people with substance use disorder/and or mental health diagnoses. He was instrumental in developing the peer living room at a local organization in Asheville and helped turn that into a full-fledged Recovery Community Organization, now known as Sunrise Community for Recovery and Wellness. Lexie served as Director of Operations for Sunrise before leaving to pursue opportunities with Family Preservation Services, where he still currently works as the Qualified Mental Health Professional on the Community Support Team. He also worked for the Free Clinics as Lead Peer on the Post Overdose Response Team for Henderson County.

    Lexie earned his BS in Sociology from Shaw University in 2013 and graduated Cum Laude. He’s also a qualified mental health professional with a community behavioral health provider, Certified NC Peer Support Specialist since 2009, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor Intern who will be fully certified in January 2022, Certified Recovery Coach, Recovery Coach Trainer, WRAP facilitator, Certified Moral Recognition Therapist, Mental Health First Aid trainer, and a Community Health Worker. While those degrees and certifications are a source of pride and accomplishment, Lexie hasn’t forgotten where he came from or how to relate to people from all backgrounds and all walks of life. He treats people with empathy, compassion, and heart—thus the creation of his organization that names his motivating values, Love and Respect.

  • You can reach Lexie directly at


Justin Wright, NCCPSS

CPSS/Rutherford Mobile Harm Reduction Team Lead

Justin currently works in partnership with the United Way of Rutherford County, and Blue Ridge Community Health as the Rutherford Mobile HRT team lead. He has been working in the recovery field for 6 years and personally has a decade of long-term, sustained health and wellness regarding illicit substance use.

  • Justin struggles with writing biographies because he believes that his experience and credentialing may be viewed by some as something that separates him from the people he wants to support. He wants the perception of those he supports to be, “He is like me.” He strives to maintain an equal power level with every connection he makes. Justin currently works in partnership with the United Way of Rutherford County, and Blue Ridge Community Health as the Rutherford Mobile HRT team lead. He understands that some people feel more comfortable knowing a person’s experience before they initiate services and for that reason only, he wishes to disclose that he has been working in the recovery field for 6 years and personally has a decade of long-term, sustained health and wellness regarding illicit substance use. His field experience includes peer program creation, grant management, peer management and supervision, facilitating and creating 13 recovery oriented trainings for participants and community members alike, group facilitation in detention facilities and in drop-in centers, and speaking engagements on his personal recovery story and on differing aspects of peer support and the system gaps they fill. He sits on the board of the SPARC Foundation and has facilitated the Buncombe County Racial Equity and Inclusion committee. He has aided in the founding of Celebrate Recovery groups, the Felony Drug Diversion Program of Buncombe County, and has functioned as the peer technical advisor to all peer supports, peer-housed provider agencies, and new peer-run recovery community centers in Western North Carolina. He did this in his role as the State recognized Recovery Community Organization Peer TA Coordinator. He holds a bachelors and a masters degree, but he holds the mentality, “They are me, I am them.” in higher regard than those degrees.

  • You can reach Justin directly at


Alivea Turner, NCCPSS

Office Manager, Outreach, Fundraising

Alivea is a North Carolina Peer Support Specialist with a deep desire to help others. They knew even as a child that they would grow up and help people. They have 4 years of recovery and are eager to make a difference. Alivea is a LGBTQIA+ advocate and hopes to be a bright light in someone else’s darkness.

  • Alivea’s struggles with substance misuse and mental health diagnoses began early, as they began using substances and attempted to end their life for the first time at the age of 12. They have struggled with their mental health diagnoses for as long as they can remember. They have experienced/lived in houselessness, jail and domestic abuse and during those times, they knew they would eventually get out and help others. Alivea recently hit a milestone of four years living a healthy lifestyle and prioritizing themself and their child. Their life turned around in 2019 and they have been living a stable, healthy and mindful life ever since. They have a desire to work with LGBTQ+ individuals and truly feels that they can relate and show tenderness to anyone they work with. They have acquired many certifications to achieve the most training possible to be the best Certified Peer Support Specialist they can be and has a heart to share their love, understanding, and knowledge with anyone who needs it.

  • You can reach Alivea directly at


Ron Davis, NCCPSS

Development and Outreach

Ron is an incurable teacher and lifelong learner with a passion for supporting those seeking to improve their own lives and well-being.  He is especially passionate about reducing stigma related to mental health.  He views every person and every journey as unique and believes that we change the world around us only by changing the world within.    

  • While he found professional success as a science teacher, Ron struggled for most of his life with anxiety, major depression, and ADHD. Growing up he tended to view his symptoms as personal shortcomings and eventually sought to overcome these with workaholism while masking emotional pain with alcohol abuse.

    A sudden health crisis in 2014 left him unable to tolerate the many prescription medications he was taking and the ensuing symptoms left him deeply suicidal and unable to work. He was eventually able to foster the self-awareness and willingness to evolve away from toxic patterns of thinking and behavior and to recognize and process painful emotions. He obtained his peer support certification in 2021 and has specialized in the practical use of mindfulness in dealing with grief, difficult emotions, and chronic pain. He finds the most satisfaction in life helping others, playing music, and hanging out with his basset hound Louie.

  • You can reach Ron directly at


Becky Ayers, NCCPSS

Admin, Fundraising

Becky is a certified Chaplain with BBI and a North Carolina Peer Support Specialist with a calling to help others struggling with substance misuse, codependency, and mental health.  Her Sobriety Celebration Day is August 26, 2020.     

  • Becky comes from a history of childhood SA and began using nicotine, LSD , marijuana and alcohol at the age of 13. With all the ups and downs of her substance misuse, she experienced DV, bullying, and emotional abuse with the partners she chose and she struggled with relational trauma. At 33, she sought the help of a mental health team and began her journey in recovery. However, it took another 10 years to fully manifest, She and her husband owned and operated a local brewery and hit rock bottom on August 26, 2020. The fruit of this was a return to her faith and a restored marriage. They operated the brewery for 2 years, abstaining from alcohol, and closed their doors on June 16, 2022. This journey has led Becky to deepen her faith and spread hope that change is possible. She is a leader in her local Celebrate Recovery and a riding member of Broken Chains JC. She has a passion to be a voice to those who believe their voice is of no value. She continues to seek education, both spiritually and secular, to love all those she encounters.

  • You can reach Becky directly at